YoruBase - VRChat Male Basemesh
High quality base mesh for VRChat built from scratch.
Blender or 3d knowledge is required to make best use of this product. Support is avilable in the Discord.
- Optimised rigged basemesh
- Hand painted textures with 7 skin tones
- Normal map
- Quest and PC version
- PC version is ~17k tris, quest is <10k tris
- Shapekeys for adustments (in-game or in unity)
- Free underwear
- Fully rigged and weight painted
- Example material setup in Unity (Poyomi)
- Twist bones
- Subtance Painter and texture bake files for creating your own versions
- Custom made refined hand pose animations
Package contains:
- Blend file
- PNG & PSD Texture files
- Substance Painter file
- Unity Package
Personal use:
You may use the licence for personal acitvites such as creating your own avatar, up to and including releasing public avatars, but you must give credit and link back to the page for the asset you used when publically releasing.
You may not redistribute the assets publically in any way except uploading public, free, VRChat avatars, or avatars for similar social games (via the game platform only). The files must not be easily accessable via unity packages, FBX or anything else.
You also may not make any commercial sales with the avatar by distributing the asset in any way, however profit seeking activites such as streaming while using but not distributing them are acceptable.
Distribution licence:
You may distribute the asset as part of a larger package commercially, but not on it's own. For example, an avatar package for sale featuring NotE assets is allowed with this licence. Credit still must be given back to the pages of the used assets.
Products must cost more than the base version of the most expensive NotE asset included in the product.
Should you have any questions about the licences please ask in the Discord and you will receive a prompt response :)